Thursday, November 15, 2007


Driving to Stockton today for the second time in two days I was listening to some leadership stuff to sharpen my mind.  I had an abridged audio version of Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" on my iPod.  I was really struck by his definition of how habits are formed.  Here is the equation:  Habit = Knowledge + Skill + Desire

Knowledge is learning, being taught what you don't know.  Skill is the ability to put into practice effectively the knowledge.  Desire is the level of willingness to do what needs to be done, learn what needs to be learned.

So, what habit would you like to have in your life?  What is the stumbling block for you?  Is it Knowledge, Skill or Desire?  Or, think about it this way:  what habit do you have that you don't want?  Why is it still there?

For me, I'm thinking I want a better habit of prayer.  I had a bit of a personal crisis a couple of years ago where I just felt like I didn't know how to pray anymore.  I turned to the Bible and started with the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples when they said, "Jesus, teach us to pray."  I figure that is a pretty good place to start.  That helped a lot.  So, there was my knowledge.  I have found that when I write my prayers that helps me to grow in them.  I also tend to be more focused and there is less whining in my prayers.  That is my skill development.  Desire is the kicker, isn't.  Do I desire another 20 minutes of sleep or 20 minutes talking to God?

So - what do you think?  What is the hang up for you in the habit your are seeking to create in your life?  Is it knowledge, skill or desire.  What is keeping you from addressing that area of need?


Anonymous said...

The Batman forehead? That is outstanding. Absolutelty outstanding. I can't wait until my kids are that age. Good message yesterday. I like it when you make people uncomfortable. Not me though. I'm perfect.


Anonymous said...

For someone who is constantly analyzing, these questions seem unusally tough for me to self-apply.

I think "desire" is my challenge which causes me to think my heart needs so much more transforming grace.

Thank goodness God has enough of it!
