There is
one, distinct, foundational belief of Christianity that sets it apart from every
other faith system, religion and life philosophy. It is found only in Christianity and it can’t
be defended as reasonable.
When you
look at the definition of “reasonable” in a dictionary it says things like “fair and sensible; based on good sense; able
to think, understand, or form judgments by a logical process.” What is central to Christianity that is
unreasonable – not guided or based on good sense, beyond the limits of
acceptability – you ask? It is grace.
Here are
some ways to try and understand grace.
Grace is getting what you don’t deserve.
Grace is receiving unmerited favor.
Grace is receiving kindness when you are a complete, total jerk, idiot,
nincompoop. It is kindness on your worst
hair day, bad attitude day, fit-throwing day, rebellion day. Grace does not make sense. Grace is not fair. Grace is not logical. Grace is acceptability in the face of

If you are
following Jesus and growing in a heart that is sensitive to the convictions and
leadings of the Holy Spirit you become regularly amazed God would be gracious
toward you. As you understand the depth
of your sinfulness from which Jesus saved you, a sense of unworthiness can wash
over you. You are not worthless –
otherwise Christ would not have died for you – but you are unworthy of the love,
mercy and grace poured out upon you that has brought salvation, healing, hope
and blessings. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me”
wrote John Newton as his heart grappled with God’s undeserved kindness toward
him. Grace is unreasonable. Grace does not make sense.
If you are
looking for a completely rational, reasonable faith then you must reject
Jesus. What he offers you does not make
sense because you don’t deserve his unfailing love, his complete forgiveness,
his amazing blessings. And that is
exactly the point. You don’t deserve
it. You can’t do anything to deserve. You never have. You never will. It is grace.
It is unmerited. It is
un-earnable. It is unreasonable.
You are
either in God’s grace through Jesus or you are not in God’s grace. Saying “Yes” to Jesus is the difference. Have you said yes to unreasonableness yet?
Grace and peace,
God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the
righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our
sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously
poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Because of his grace
he declared us righteous and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal
life.”” (Titus 3:4–7, NLT)
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