I was
recently asked by a community leader what I thought about the homeless issue in
our community. My response to her
question was: “It’s complicated.” There are no easy, quick solutions to dealing
with homelessness in our community. But
isn’t this pretty much true of every issue that matters? Of the important things that affect people’s
Springs Church was the first church to open its doors to the Nomadic Shelter in
our community. That first year Foothills United Methodist Church partnered with us to begin the Nomadic Shelter two
nights per week. That was five years ago
and now a number of churches have come on board to open their doors and offer
to volunteer seven nights per week. As
the weather turns cold and wet, more people will be using the service. Last year, on some nights, there were upwards
to 50 people.
I’ve got to
be honest with you, I don’t struggle so much with homelessness, I struggle with
messiness. I want people’s lives to be
better by them being better. I want
people to be healthy by making choices that will lead them into health. I’m often times judgmental and lack the grace
I wish I had (and expect people to show me!).
It’s complicated. And here’s the
real rub – there are people in this world who don’t care about their messiness,
don’t recognize their messiness or are incapable of dealing with their
messiness because of mental issues, addictions or brokenness. I want simple solutions to complex problems –
and they don’t exist.
So what do we do? We look to scripture to guide us.
The other morning when I came into
church, those who had spent the night at the shelter were packing up and
preparing to leave. It included a family
with a couple of small children and I was glad Cold Springs Church opened its
doors to care for this family.
Jesus tells a story about wheat and
weeds to make a point about the Kingdom of God.
(see Matthew 13:24-30
) In this
story there is a wheat field but an enemy plants weeds in the middle of the
night. The weeds and the wheat look
similar in their early stages and as they mature their roots become
intertwined. The servants ask the master
whether they should pull the weeds or not.
The master says to leave the weeds because if they pull them they will
pull up some good wheat as well. Also,
there will come a day when everything will be sorted out – the wheat will be
sorted from the weeds and the weeds will be burned up in fire.

Here is the moral of the
story: In life, some people are weeds
and some people are wheat and it can be hard to tell them apart. But rest assured, someone does know the
difference and he will sort it out in the end.
The homeless shelter has helped a
lot of people over the past five years.
I think of Dave and Donna. They
were in the shelter but got help that saw them get married and into a place of
their own. Dave recently died of a heart
attack – in his own home. Or Cherish who
struggled with life and addictions and found herself in the shelter but got
help and this time it took root and now she is a coordinating volunteer. And there are others – messy lives that have
been restored, strengthened and changed.
Being compassionate is not easy and
often comes with internal conflict. But
we need to do the right thing and trust God that he will sort it out. And be assured – he will (in his time). Do what’s right because it’s right. Trust God.
Peace and grace,
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